Nikki SageToronto Recording Connection

Progress!points of interest: In control of the Sound Posted on 2013-07-31 by Nikki Sage


In the studio today I got my first chance at sitting behind the desk and recording Accordion Shawn was playing in the sound room downstairs. It was really my first opportunity to act as an engineer, and I did not have Shawn by my side. It started off a little rocky because I ended up deleting the instrument track, and almost blasting Shawn's ears off with his headphones. I was quite discouraged that my first attempt was so shaky, but Sawn made me stick through it and I continued to record him for many more takes. After the recording session we went through the various tracks and copied and pasted bits from each track to form the master track that sounded the best. I am so appreciative that one of Shawn's artists is willing to let me sit in on all his lessons thus far and be willing to let me learn as I go. I hope my next attempt at recording goes way smoother, but I was grateful to have been given the opportunity to record as an engineer for my very first time! Although parts were discouraging, I do not expect my future career to be an easy one. When I fall, I get back up, and I expect many more bruises as the weeks progress. 

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