Alonzo Trujillo
In the mastering chapter i learned about a lot of things here are some things I learned and know they will really help me in the future... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
In the mastering chapter i learned about a lot of things here are some things I learned and know they will really help me in the future... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
This was a very good chapter. I learned a lot about acoustics and monitoring and the history of the acoustics. The production of sound and how it dates back all the way to the 16th century BC and how Pythagoras known as Nestern and for his theory relating to triangles and musical intervals... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
This chapter i learned about automation in Pro-Tools and here is some things about automation. Automation in Pro-Tools is the ability to control a specific parameter automatically by telling the Pro-Tools what to do and also you can can tell Pro-Tools when to do it in real-time... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
This chapter was a review, me and my mentor went over everything about MIDI. It amazing how much MIDI has in it and everything it could do to a lot of things... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
Time based effects are catalysts used for creativity, they have wide range of uses in studios and even on stage. Delays and Reverbs are an example of time based effects and there is so many more as you get into differnt types of everything... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
In this chapter I learned about a lot of things, a lot of new things. Thats what I love about this program you have so much to learn and its cool stuff nothing ever boring... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
Equalization is the process that engineers use to alter the frequency response of an audio signal. This chapter was good i learned a lot about equalization, but my mentor told me exactly what to know about equalization he explained it to me well... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
This was a very good chapter, learned about many things about the mix theory. Like for example some things I learned was preparing for a mix, stereo imaging and preparing your mix for your master and other things like that this chapter was great! This time when i went to the studio after our class session I met some clients of my mentor there names was Matt and Ashley... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
In this chapter i learned aboout different plugins and processing like rtas, tdm, vst, plugins for the studio, inserts and sends, fully loaded and audiosuites... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
This chapter was fun, there was so many things to learn but it was a good chapter. I learned the basics of pro tools like quick commands and other stuff like that... Read More >>