William Coors
Sometime in the next few months, i hope to put together an EP and release it to the public. I would like to call it "Teenage Nightmare" for a few reasons... Read More >>
William Coors
Sometime in the next few months, i hope to put together an EP and release it to the public. I would like to call it "Teenage Nightmare" for a few reasons... Read More >>
William Coors
If someone said "you can't breathe", would you stop breathing? I don't think so. Fist off, nobody can tell you what to do... Read More >>
William Coors
Pop music get's a bad name sometimes. Yes, it's true, majority of pop music is heavily "auto tuned" but why is that a bad thing? Look at this way, your voice is an instrument (even if you can't sing)... Read More >>