I was begining to think Pro Tools was just an apparition.......full fault of my computer skills..or lack there of. Finally though I have a working, useable version of my own. So the first thing I did was revisit the ProTools chapters, that now make a lot more sense having been able to play a little with my own Pro Tools. I am a little apprehensive about the sine wave assignment, again, lack of experience ( computers and electroninc music ). Maybe it's time to listen to a little techno!
Marilyn Allen — Coffs Harbour Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Marilyn Allen
Ok...so I've been a bit slack on the blogs. The second half of this course has had all my attention. Working on the last mix assignment for the course... Read More >>
Haven't done a blog for a bit. Been a bit slack. Only on the blog side of things...my attention has been on my work... Read More >>