Matthew KreningDenver Recording Connection

All Things Audio - Getting to work Posted on 2015-02-09 by Matthew Krening

    The second day in the studio was just as great as the first. After a lesson over the reading material and quiz, we started working with Ableton and going over some basics. I already use Ableton, but it was great to go over it and talk about some of the problems I’ve encountered. After some time at the desk, the first client of the day walked in. We were doing voice overs for a commercial demo. I helped with every step of the process from the beginning to the end. After the voice over session was finished, we worked on replacing the patch bay for the control room. I’ve seen these in every studio I’ve recorded in, but have never been able to take one apart and learn how the whole thing works. Given the right tools and the time, I’m confident I could sort out a patch bay on my own now!

    One thing I didn’t mention earlier was one of the most important lessons of the day. Just after the voice over session finished, we were booked to do another voice over session. With 30 minutes to go before the second session, the talent called and cancelled. I’ve been a musician for as long as I can remember, and I hate it when this happens. Just watching the way my mentor handled the situation was brilliant. It’s these lessons that are just impossible to learn from a book. The best way is in a working studio where these issues arise.

    Time for another track. Put your dancing shoes on!!!

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