Week two was even more exciting then week one. I was introduced to many more concepts that I found myself stumped on in the past. I visually seen the tips and strategies regarding the mastering and live room designs. The one on one training with my mentor, Mark, is really helping to accent my reading assignments to clarify any concerns. I have also picked up on how sound travels and builds up within a room and the remedies to fix this problem. Between diffusers, bass traps, and door lock designs I am prepared to start making my listening environment more accurate. Can't wait to see what week three brings.
Chance Edwards — New York City Recording Connection
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Chance Edwards
Week two was even more exciting then week one. I was introduced to many more concepts that I found myself stumped on in the past... Read More >>
Chance Edwards
This past Wednesday and Friday I received my introductory to my first real studio experience... Read More >>