Kristen BonanoNew York City Recording Connection

Chapter 1: In Textbook and In Life Posted on 2014-12-05 by Kristen Bonano

A note: I fancy myself some sort of "writer", so my blog entries will probably be entirely too flowery and dramatic for my own good. But I'm supposed to have fun with all of this, right? And it is fun! I just sat myself down to read thorugh chapter 1, taking an extraordinary amount of notes as I went along. Throughout highschool and college I found I was a much better learner when I wrote things down and repeated everything to myself. I never trusted my own brain to remember things, plus, I always figured this was an easy way to already have a study guide by the time big tests rolled around. 

Anyway, I was warned that the "fun" stuff wouldn't occur until chapter 3, but I found chapter 1 to be fun in some ways. Obviously it dealt with all the fundamental basics that students probably would rather never cover, but the fundamentals are... fundamental. I learned about things I took for granted, like my own hearing, the way my ears perceived different sounds, and how I'd come to understand the world around me through sound. I thought it was really cool to listen to the different sound frequencies that a human is "supposed" to be able to perceive and see if my hearing came up to par. To be honest I was kind of scared... I kind of attend a lot of concerts, and 99% of the time I'm at the front of the crowd, in front of speakers twice and thrice the size of me. After a concert I attended in Paris, the ringing in my ears was so bad that I could barely concentrate on anything but the annoying buzz. I always knew this was detrimental to my hearing, and I always thought about taking better care of my ears, but I think I'm finally convinced. Thankfully, after doing the little frequency hearing test, I found out my hearing is still pretty good, but now I'm scared!!! My musician friend Santiago wears earbuds to concerts now, kept all safe in his little plastic ziploc bag. I'm gonna start doing the same. Obviously I'm taking my future career very seriously and here's the first steps: pages upon pages of notes concerning frequencies, decibels, Hertz levels, ADSR, atmospheric pressure, the anatomy of the human ear... and ear buds.


Tomorrow I'm heading down to the studio for my first session with my mentor, Sax. I'm really excited but also a little nervous, mainly because I'm the new kid in the studio and I've got a long way to go. But I'm ready to get down there and help out as much as humanely possible. Might even bring a gift! Here's to realizing dreams at the tender age of 20, framed by my lively, music-loving hometown of New York City. 

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