Francois Clark
This chapter covered microphone placement and when it comes to recording, that's very important. If you don't have a good recording, no amount of EQ or compression will make it sound good... Read More >>
Francois Clark
This chapter covered microphone placement and when it comes to recording, that's very important. If you don't have a good recording, no amount of EQ or compression will make it sound good... Read More >>
Francois Clark
This chapter was pretty tough but really interesting. Chater 5 covered Microphones and the history of them and all the different types there are... Read More >>
Francois Clark
I've been kind of slacking on these blog posts but I can go over what I've been up to. Chapeter 4 covered Connectivity and wiring a studio and all the different types of wires and adapters I'll be seeing and using... Read More >>
Francois Clark
I feel like this chapter is where everything is starting to come into play. Before we were just learning what sound is, how it is traveling, how we hear it, how the devices are powered, etc... Read More >>
Francois Clark
This Chapter was actually pretty easy for me and it was really short as well so I completed it fairly quickly. I studied electricity back in high school and college so a lot of the stuff they talked about came back to me rather fast... Read More >>
Francois Clark
The first thing I noticed about the first chapter was how scientific it was. When you're listening to music on your heaphones or at a concert or at a club, you don't think about how sound is traveling or how you're hearing it... Read More >>